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7 high GPA Powerful Moment

High GPA certainly a dream of all students. Perhaps you can think of gets high GPA must learn extra, each time whispering something to memorize theory.
Stop thinking that a high GPA obtained from such a thing.

Ya good news for those who do not want whispering something to learn but can achieve a high GPA. Apply to seven sniper stance achieve a high GPA.

Kick first, note the lecturer when he taught. Actually you do not need to study for a high GPA. It turns out to be my friend to do is pay attention to the lecturer as he explained the lesson.

Observe all right, enough pairs of eyes and ears you. Well, if there are less understood do not hesitate and do not be embarrassed to ask. How to make is easy?.

Kick second, Work Tasks as much as possible. If the lecturer gives you a task to be bin shall do as much as possible. Should not be the task patchy. Continue to submit the assignment on time because this will be a plus point for you ... Okey.

The third stance, be nice and show a positive you personality. Actually lecturer judge you not only of the value of a good friend, but your personality. Should show that you are a good person. If the professor told you, do it soon and be friendly.

Kick Fourth, active in the Classroom Lecturer likes to active students in the class. This is because students who are active in class it signifies that he is listening to the material being .
Many ask the question so that the quality of lecturers shipper.

Kick Fifth, when before the exam should you break and multiply eat fruits. Avoid studying Exam time because it will make your brain tense. Moreover, no study until the night your brain will "misguided", migraine, abdominal pain, drowsiness, while work on the test.

If your brain relax .. You will be able to answer about that. All you have to do before the exam is discussing with friends about subjects that never explain your lecturer the subjects were never explained the lecturer. Make it easy.

Kick sixth, science is not memorized but practiced. Well here it turns out a lot of people are mistaken in considering the lessons. Most people use the technique to memorize. it turns out it is only temporary memorization techniques alone. In contrast to the science that is permanent. Recurrent .. recurrence ... haw haw ... ... Indeed the student quack ???.

Kick seventh, Pray This is the most important step that you know. The human brain is limited while needs boundless. Therefore, ask the Lord about our desires and do not forget to always ask for the blessing of parents.

Now that my friend grabbed seven powerful tactics without learning a high GPA. How? Make it easy ... Originally you seriously do 7 moves that you can reach it. Hope it is useful. (Sani Fitriyani)

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